Pack for Logistics is made for the logistics industry that make use of parcel, carton and pallet for transportation of goods.
With a view to minimize cost, Pack for Logistics aims to optimize
1.the number of products wrapped within a parcel
2.the number of parcels contained by a carton
3.the number and layout of cartons placed on a pallet
1. 一個散包包裝成品的數量
2. 一個紙箱裝載散包的數量
3. 一個卡板承載紙箱的數量及紙箱的編排方法
For costing, Pack for Logistics provides inputting of the
1.cost for one kilogram of goods
2.minimum transportation cost for one order
3.extra cost for a parcel / carton
4.cost for one CBM
5.the fumigation cost for one pallet for deriving of the total cost required
1. 每一公斤貨物價格
2. 一張訂單的最少運輸費
3. 一個散包 / 一個紙箱 的額外費用
4. 每CBM單價
5. 一個卡板的薰蒸費來計算最終運輸費用
You can always override the atomization and Pack for Logistics will derive the cost and layout as per the information you provided. In case your input data is not feasible, Pack for Logistics will make use of the most possible figures to complete your request. In addition, the layout diagram of cartons placed on a pallet will also be shown after calculation.
一般情況下, 「物流包裝」是全自動運作;倘若你輸入指定的資料, 「物流包裝」便按你的指示, 計算一次;若你指定的數據不可行, 「物流包裝」便利用最接近的資料, 來完成運算。計算完畢, 一張圖會出現, 來說明如何將紙箱在卡板上編排。