
為自己財務未雨綢繆.< 人生責任計算機 >

We have many inevitable responsibilities in our lives such as growing up our children, taking care of our parents etc.  This calculator helps you to to understand how much you have to save now so as to meet your future responsibiliteis.

iPhone / iPod 版下載點於
iPad  版下載點於
Android  版下載點於


考腦筋配 game - 拼拼豆腐格

Take or load a picture then select the difficulty level, click the button START then your photo will be cut into various squares and spread randomly to form a puzzle. Your mission is to re-arrange these squares so as to revert the photo. 

準備一張照片, 或用裝置拍照、或從裝置內導出, 再選擇難度, 點擊按鈕START, 你的照片便立即被分割成眾多四方格, 再胡亂排放成一張拼圖。你的任務是去重排四方格, 令原本的照片重現。

App Store 下載位置:
iPhone / iPod 版 - 按此
iPad 版 - 按此


蠅男蠅女(Choking)- 發揮你無限chok主意!

這個App, 轉變你的外貌、美化你的外觀、令你更有魅力


App Store 已供下載